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Work on RasMol is the result of the efforts of many people throughout the structural biology community (see the long list of credits on the version you are using).
The primary center for support and coordination is at
Bernstein + Sons in Bellport, NY, USA This work was sponsored in part over many years by grants from the U. S. National Science Foundation, the U. S. Department of Energy, the U. S. NIH National Institute for General Medical Sciences and the International Union for Crystallography and by donations from members of the community of equipment, money, ideas and code. It is now a pro bono open source development effort of Bernstein + Sons.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the funding sources.


May we trouble you to consider helping to support of the development of RasMol and the other programs coming to you from the Bernstein+Sons. It is getting harder and harder to get government grants in support of open source software development, and many projects are moving to crowd sourcing. It is time for RasMol to do the same. These programs will remain available without charge. You will just be helping us to do further development in these challenging times.

Your gift will help us to add features to these programs, port them to additional platforms, and to resolve problems. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

The buttons below will allow you to make a credit card gift via PayPal. If you would prefer make a gift by check, or by contributing remote access to equipment to be used for porting and testing, or by contributing in some other way, your help will be greatly appreciated. Please see the contact information below.

To support RasMol via Bernstein+Sons


06:34 AM

visits since 1 July 2008

The buttons above will allow you to make gifts using a credit card via PayPal. If you wish to make a donation. If you wish to make a donation in another way please contact me at the address and phone number below.

We would appreciate donations in support of the open source development activities of Bernstein+Sons. This work for the public good at the Bernstein+Sons includes support of development for molecular graphics and bioinformatics, including RasMol, CIF software and other packages related to structural biology, and distribution of compiled binaries of programs useful in structural biology.

In the past, this work been supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation, the U. S. Department of Energy, the U. S. NIH National Institute for General Medical Sciences and the International Union of Crystallography as well as by donations from members of the community like you, but times are changing. This will be an experiment in crowd-sourcing these open source efforts. Please note that these donations do not qualify as U.S. charitable donations. Bernstein+Sons is not a 501(c)3, nor is it any sort of a charitable organiztion. We will pay the U.S. taxes on them as ordinary income.

Your donation will help us to add features to these programs, port them to more platforms and to resolve problems. Your donation help allow us to participate in relevant meetings and to maintain the infrastructure at Bernstein+Sons.

Thank you.

Herbert J. Bernstein
Managing Partner
Bernstein + Sons

How to Contact the ARCiB Project

Prof. Herbert J. Bernstein
Managing Partner, Bernstein + Sons
5 Brewster Lane
Bellport, NY 11713-2803


Copyright © 2002 - 2013 ARCiB Project. All rights reserved.
Updated 27 August 2017.

The open source work at Bernstein+Sons includes development and maintenance for the following projects. Contributions in the form of bug reports, code, comments, suggestions, access to computers, donations of access to hardware, software and money are all appreciated.

[CBF/imgCIF home] [cif2cif] [cif2pdb] [cif2xml] [CIFFOLD home] [CIFtbx home] [cyclops] [pdb2cif home] [RasMol home]

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